Signal Sequence Occurrence
Wake-up signal 4 alternate flashes of green/red LED’s Displayed after configuration has been successfully applied to the Logger. When a Logger is woken from hibernation state.
Start-up signal 10 alternate flashes of green/red LED’s Displayed when the Logger starts its recording cycle. The delay time is re-started (followed by delay signal).
Logging active, no alert present Single flash of green LED every 4 seconds Indicates the Logger is recording. This is not displayed when pre-start is active and the main logging cycle has not yet started. It is also not displayed when the green LED has been turned off in the configuration screen.
Logging finished, no alert present Single flash of green LED every 8 seconds Indicates Logger has finished recording. This is not displayed when the green LED has been turned off in the configuration screen. Will also be displayed when unit has been woken up from hibernation.
Logging finished, alert condition present Single flash of red LED every 8 seconds Indicates the Logger has finished recording and an alert condition was present during the trip.
Logging active, alert condition present Single flash of red LED every 4 seconds Displayed when the Logger has been detected an alert condition and the Alert LED has been activated. If an alert is present you cannot determine if the unit is still logging or has finished its log cycle. If the Alert LED has not been activated during configuration, in essence the visual indicators have been disabled, and the green LED will flash every 4 or 8 seconds as above.
Stopping (only applies to USB Loggers) Sequence of very quick simultaneous flashes of green/red LED’s for 2 seconds When this LED sequence starts, the STOP button must be released for the recorder to stop. With the exception of the USRIC-4. This Logger can’t be stopped manually, however it’s possible to use the hibernation mode to stop the recording.
Hibernation LED’s are not active Hibernation reduces the current consumption on Loggers to very low levels.

Simultaneous LED’s blinking – this can happen when taking a HAXO out of the plastic wrapper – if there is enough static electricity, the unit will wake up and the LED’s will flash. If it is not configured soon after, it returns to hibernation mode. These is no significant effect on battery life when this happens as the unit goes back into hibernation.

If your Logger shows strange light patterns, e.g. the LED light does not always come back on. It's highly likely that the battery is getting to the end of it's life and has caused a corruption within the Logger. The impact of often downloading the data is quite significant on battery life and can be reduced by turning off (hibernating) the Logger between uses.

You can check the average battery life of your Logger on our products page, by selecting your model number. On average this is between 2-3 years.

If your Logger is relatively new and you still have the same problem, please send us your diagnostics